The GrowMoor Philosophy
Achieving excellence through knowledge, experience, growth and commitment.

In all my years of farming and working closely with several highly specialized consultants and experts I always felt that I had to “do what they said”, this stopped me asking good questions, I believe.
This I now know was due to a lack of my own understanding and fear of looking silly. Eventually when I found someone who was prepared to “work with me rather than for me” did the world of possibilities open up in a powerful way! I still work with this person, 20 years down the track, he is my sounding board and never once can I remember him saying “that’s not possible”.
Growmoor Biological is built upon the philosophy of Education and Mentorship. My goal is to build confidence and understanding in the people I work with so that ultimately, they can be self-sustaining with little of my input, work together in focus groups to share knowledge and push the envelope.
Consulting and Mentoring is a process of engaging and exchanging ideas and opinions for the purpose of solving and exploring new or unseen potential.
It is my responsibility to be the catalyst, to engender enthusiasm and to create curiosity into what could be…and then help guide and explore these ideas.
Consulting and Mentoring in my opinion should be a personal and business relationship built on trust and the desire to do better. It needs to take the whole business and its people into account and encourage other expertise to be invited in, exclusivity stifles creativity!!

Here are some traits that I strive to achieve as a mentor and consultant.
- Observe without trying to solve or judge.
- Assess the untapped potential.
- Be a catalyst for new ways of thinking.
- Challenge the status quo to allow exploration of new ideas.
- Support what could be possible.
- Be an enabler to allow people to see the potential they have.
- Ensure IMPLEMENTATION not just conversation.
- Help remove you far enough away from the doing (operational stuff) so as to be able to look down/back on the being (strategic stuff and life).
- Help you find the Fun and Purpose in what you do.
- Ensure the people and business are developed together.
Please feel free to make contact me, I have worked and am working with an array of amazing producers all striving for similar outcome. I believe that change is necessary, and this can only be achieved if we create more profitable and climatically resilient farms and businesses.
John Moor
0449 887 875